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原名:Mona Lisa Smile又名:蒙罗丽莎的微笑

分类:剧情 / 爱情 /  美国  2003 

简介: 1950年代,美国女性的社会地位表面看来有了明显提高,然而在如威斯理般著名的女子


蒙娜丽莎的微笑影评:The meaning of education

I have been thingking about the meaning of education for a long time ,but not yet a conclusion comes out.Like most questions about life,it has no answer. Maybe it's during the process we think about this question that we're receiving the real education.
Is Catherine perfect? Maybe not.But I do agree with Jone's words that she could do whatever she wants to do, including stepping into marriage.Marriage is never inferior to any other professions as long as you take it in willingness.
In my opinion,new woman is not someone who persues her profession independently,but who follows her heart everywhere.That is the real freedom in my understanding.
But that doesn't mean I dislike Catherine ,I do appreciate her courage and idea.She has her own freedom to teach those students however she wants,but those students also have their rights to decide whether to accept her way.They can agree to differ, since they are all free women.
I used to be very confused about the purpose of my education and the meaning of the existence of this entire world. I just told myself to sail on, to an answer or just to see what will happen in my following education years. Now being a junior,I face more opportunities as well as challanges than ever in my life. For many people, their education ends here. But i don't want to end mine; i never want an end. Now what i'm telling myself is still the same as before, just remain true to your initial aspiration and keep sailing. But this time, please regard the sailing as your life and meaning, instead of seaking for a destination. Every meaning lies in the process.


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