
6.0 还行

原名:Mona Lisa Smile又名:蒙罗丽莎的微笑

分类:剧情 / 爱情 /  美国  2003 

简介: 1950年代,美国女性的社会地位表面看来有了明显提高,然而在如威斯理般著名的女子



what's the value of higher education?
1.what’s value ofthe higher education provided by the state ?A decent job, social recognition but at the cost of dehumanizing torture.The education provided by the state always serves for economic machinery, not for ridiculous full development of human being. That’s the reason why the school in 1950s American instruct girls to be good mothers and wives rather than pursue their own career. Because they truly believe that’s exactly the way to maximize the general welfare. But The mistake they make is to assume human being as means to get dazzling economic figures.
I have to say that we are in no better position than the girls in the movie. We are also treated like tools.The education we receive also try to drag us to mainstream value, to live a life that suits others’ expectation.examination-oriented education, duck feeding, suppressing students' personality and innovative ability——all these get a reasonable explanation in this view. The purpose of the unified standard education is to supply labor force for the industrialized society, to build excellent parts of the production line of our vast industrial empire.The most important quality of labor is: the standardization of operation, obedience and accuracy . So a highly creative and individual majority is not needed , and a fraction of elites is enough.
2.But higher education is supposed to teach us to rebel: to rethink why we all pursue the same thing, to doubt if what the school preach has political motives. There’s something in our life beyond trifling matters and we need higher education to know they do exist. There’s infinite possibilities in our life but we need higher education to realize our full potential. Luckily in this information age, we don’t need a Katherine to remind us where we are. Information are free and flowing. And we are free to redefine what it means to be higher education and what it can do for us if we exploit them wisely.


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