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原名:45 Years又名:缘来他不够爱我(港) / 45年(台) / 四十五周年 / 四十五年

分类:剧情 / 爱情 /  英国  2015 

简介: 就在凯特(Kate)忙于筹备45周年的结婚纪念日之时,她丈夫杰夫(Geoff)突


45周年影评:45 years

-That’s why these things are important.
-What, to make our husbands cry?
-Not just husbands, all men. It’s always then that break first. Shally’s wedding, Charley’s christening. We hold it together cos we already know how important these things are.
-Geoff is not much of a crier.
-I bet he cried at your wedding.
-I don’t remember.
-I think they just see the world different from us. If it’s some twist of evolution that needs men to be obsessed by their obituaries, their legacies. Then maybe it’s ours to nudge them into realizing what’s really important, before they kill themselves, you know, with the disappointment.

- We were being heedless. I think that’s the word I’m looking for. Back in her Berlin, the Wall was going up and in America, we’d just had the Bay of Pigs. But up there, we weren’t thinking about all that. Weren’t thinking about our future. But, at the same time , we weren’t heedless at all. How can you be when, when you know what your purpose is? When everyday seems to have some point to it. Finding somewhere to stay, finding food. And the days we didn’t go anywhere, they seemed just as purposeful as when we set out in complete seriousness at four in the fucking morning. I think, um... I think that’s the worst part of getting decrepit, losing that...purposefulness. I was remembering today how we used to see these flowers. Some sort of violet, I think they were. They’d find a patch of grass where the snow had melted and they’d just spring up. I know they were only flowers, but they seemed so determined. Brave, even. And that’s how I see Katya and we. Wandering around, turning our back on civilization.
-In a way. Don’t you think?
-Not really.
-Why not?
-I mean, what were you actually doing? You’re just climbing up some bloody mountain.
-Well, I’m not saying what we did was out of bravery.
-I think you were just chasing a girl who wanted to be chased.
-You didn’t know her.
-No, I didn’t.
-I’m tired.
-I want to ask you something before we go to sleep.
-What’s that.
-If she hadn’t died, if you had got to Italy, would you have married her for real?
-But we didn’t get to Italy, did we? And she did die.
-Yeah, but if you had.
-I thought you didn’t like theoretical questions.
-Just answer me.

-Have you taken your pills today?
-Then I’m going to get them. And then we’re going to have dinner, and then we’re going to go to bed. And then we’re going to get up. And we’ll try and start again.
-Ok, Kate, I can do that. We can do that . I promise.



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