
6.0 还行

原名:Red Rabbit又名:

分类:动画 / 短片 /  德国  2007 

简介: 在一幢普普通通、了无生气的公寓内,人与人之间彼此隔绝,鲜少沟通。他们用一道道门锁


红兔影评:Isolation? Lack of communication

Maybe it's because I just read the book 'Interpreter of Maladies', this animation seems to reflect the theme of a lack of communication between people to me. The giant pets symbolise secrets, or words that we do not want to or feel uneasy to share with people who are actually close to us, in this case, neighbours. The characterisation of the man features reservation, shyness, anxiety and over-prudence. He obviously is preoccupied by hiding his secrets and finding ways to avoid people who might know about it. On the other hand, the woman's characterisation emphasises on her considerate thoughts, compassion and a care for people around her. While hiding her own secrets, she is willing to know and maybe help with others' problems. Yet similarly, she is not able to find the right way to communicate, due to more than one factors. They remain isolated until an accident pulls them together to see their 'bare hearts' without the barrier, the door. The main reason that people are pressured by and tired of wearing masks in front of others is that, even in front of the ones that we can confess to and show real feelings to, even when we could strip off the masks, we let go the opportunity of communication. The consequence is the tragic isolation. As Carl Rogers proposes, 'When I look at the world, I'm pessimistic. When I look at people, I am optimistic.' Therefore as human beings, a healthy psychological state needs communication with people around us, those who are actually close to us.
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