

乐比TV为您提供2013年由沃尔克·布鲁赫,汤姆·希林,卡塔琳娜·舒特勒,米里亚姆·斯坦因,路德维格.特内普特,马克·瓦斯科,亨丽埃特·李赫特-罗赫,戈茨·舒伯特,希尔德加德·斯罗德,克里斯蒂安娜·保罗,西尔维斯特·格罗特,艾琳娜·莱辛,卢卡斯·格雷戈霍威茨,马克西姆·梅米特,约翰娜·加斯多夫,Peter Kremer,特里斯坦·皮特,大卫·齐梅尔席德,乔尔·巴斯曼,Anne Diemer,卡瑞娜·普拉赫特卡,萨缪尔·芬齐,朵卡·格莱拉斯,柏恩德·麦克·莱德,马克·哈洛夫,缇诺·麦威斯,安东尼奥·万内克,本杰明·特林克斯,路德韦格·布洛克伯格,马丁·布鲁赫曼,凯·迈克尔·米勒,瓦伦丁·诺沃波尔斯基,托马斯·阿诺德,迈克尔·伊霍夫,Jan Niklas Berg,Martin Hentschel,Adam Markiewicz主演,菲利普·卡德尔巴赫导演的《我们的父辈》/原名《Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter》/又名《我们的母亲,我们的父亲 / 战争的记忆 / Generation War》剧情 动作 历史 战争 影视在线观看完整版,《我们的父辈》百度云网盘资源以及《我们的父辈》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《我们的父辈》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Berlin, 1941. Five friends eager to become heroes in an adventure that will change the face of Europe - and that will forever change them as well. Level-headed, highly decorated officer Wilhelm is off to the eastern front with his younger brother Friedhelm, a sensitive dreamer more interested in literature than warfare. Deeply in love with Wilhelm is Charlotte, a young nurse who looks forward to serving in the Wehrmacht, also on the eastern front. While Greta is a talented singer who longs to become another Marlene Dietrich, her Jewish boyfriend Viktor still cannot convince his parents to leave Germany... Valor and courage come to the fore, but also betrayal - of values, beliefs, humanity. Friedhelm turns into a soulless killing machine... Wilhelm deserts his troops and is court-martialed... Charlotte's Nazi ideology crumbles when she betrays a Jewish nurse helping the German army... Greta obtains papers for Viktor's escape by selling herself to an SS colonel. They and millions of others wanted to be heroes; but none of them could imagine what the war would ultimately do to them and to the rest of the world.





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