主演:朱迪·福斯特 泰伦斯·霍华德 尼基·凯特 纳威恩·安德利维斯 玛丽·斯汀伯根
即便是号称不夜城的纽约,遍布全市的霓虹灯也无法照亮夜幕中的每个角落,电台节目主持人艾瑞卡(朱迪•福斯特 饰)和恩爱的未婚夫(尼维•安德鲁斯 饰)就在某个夜晚误入了最肮脏的黑暗世界,被一伙暴徒围攻,艾瑞卡被打成重伤,未婚夫惨遭杀害。伤愈之后的艾瑞卡找到警探朋友,也是她忠实的听众梅瑟(特伦斯•霍华德 饰),要求他主持正义,但这个被无数罪案搞得焦头烂额的人,无法把全部精力投入到艾瑞卡的案子上,愤怒的艾瑞卡决定自己解决问题。她从黑市买了一把枪,成为了“暗夜复仇者”,惩罚逃脱法网的罪人。 这一切,引起了梅瑟的注意,他所代表的法律的正义显然不能认同艾瑞卡的做法,二人之间的矛盾终将爆发……David Kirmani,a medical professional, lives in an apartment with his sweetheart, Erica Bain, a radio host, and his dog. They usually take the dog out for a stroll in nearby Central Park and let him run and fetch. One day while at the park they let the dog run without a leash, and when he does not return or respond to their calls, they frantically search for him. They eventually find him being held by three men who want a reward. When David refuses, they start to molest Erica and David intervenes. Two of the men assault the couple, while the third uses a camcorder to film this incident. Erica is knocked unconscious, and regains her senses several days later in a hospital. She is told the shocking news that David was killed and the dog is missing. A traumatized Erica returns home to try and regain her life. She also visits the police station but does not get much help. Fearful of a repeat of this type of incident, she gets an unlicensed gun and carries it with her all the time. One day she witnesses some youths terrorizing subway passengers, forcing them to get off at the next station. When they approach her, she shoots them dead. She uses her gun several more times, always gunning down people committing violent crimes. One day she is summoned to the police station to identify a man who may have been responsible for David's death and the assault on herself. She does recognize him, but refuses to identify him. Subsequently she finds out his whereabouts and plans to avenge her lover's death, not realizing that Detective Mercer has her as a suspect in the recent killings and is set to apprehend her. The question remains: will Erica be able to avenge David's death and her attack before being arrested herself?下载电影就来乐比TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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