

乐比TV为您提供2006年由野田顺子,石冢运升,里见圭一郎,广濑正志,诹访部顺一,藤井启辅,丸山壮史,神谷浩史,小桥知子,间宫康弘,藤田圭宣,堀川仁,三浦祥朗,白鸟由里,银河万丈,乃村健次,樫井笙人,佐佐木梅治,平辻朝子,饭塚昭三,藤原启治,后藤哲夫,折笠爱,渡边英雄,须部和佳奈,武田华主演,Thomas Romain,Savin Yeatman-Eiffel导演的《奥本星车手》/原名《Oban Star-Racers》/又名《オーバン・スターレーサーズ》剧情 动画 电影在线观看完整版,《奥本星车手》百度云网盘资源以及《奥本星车手》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《奥本星车手》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Earth, 2082, twenty-five years after the failed invasion of the Crog forces. Young Eva (15) is determined to be reunited with her father, race manager Don Wei, who sent her off to a tough boarding school after the tragic death of the mother, ten years earlier. She escapes from school and secretly joins her dad's famous star-racer team under the alias "Molly". But Don Wei doesn't recognize his daughter. He has other troubles on his mind: the President of the Earth Coalition has just put him in charge of a dangerous top-secret mission. Don Wei must lead the Earth to victory in a mysterious and mythical intergalactic competition - The Great Race of Oban. It is said that the outcome of the competition will radically transform the balance of power within our Galaxy. Earth cannot afford to lose - especially not against the Crogs! Before she knows what is happening, "Molly" takes off for the planet Alwas, the first stage of The Great Race of Oban, with Don Wei, champion pilot Rick Thunderbolt, gunner Jordan and mechanics Stan and Koji. The fate of Molly and her friends, as well as the future of the human race, are now inextricably intertwined.






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