
6.0 还行

分类:剧情 传记 历史  地区:中国大陆  年份:2010 

主演:唐国强 梅婷 冯远征 巫刚 智一桐 那笛 杨雪 王小丹 梅年佳 王琦 王伟军 李超 那刚 白建才 王志 俞洛生 蒋昌义 于军 奕祖迅 杨和平 任学海 梁丹妮 

导演:苏舟 / 熊召政 Zhaozheng Xiong

熊召政 Zhaozheng Xiong




乐比TV为您提供2010年由唐国强,梅婷,冯远征,巫刚,智一桐,那笛,杨雪,王小丹,梅年佳,王琦,王伟军,李超,那刚,白建才,王志,俞洛生,蒋昌义,于军,奕祖迅,杨和平,任学海,梁丹妮主演,苏舟导演的《万历首辅张居正》剧情 传记 历史 影视在线观看完整版,《万历首辅张居正》百度云网盘资源以及《万历首辅张居正》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《万历首辅张居正》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

该剧讲述了明代传奇人物张居正(唐国强 饰)的一生。出身微寒的张居正从乡试秀才、举人、进士,官至内阁大学士,一步步成为治国良相。他协助幼年登基的小皇帝,整饬吏治,

Plot Summary:Synopsis This drama depicts the life of a legendary figure Zhang Juzheng in the Ming Dynasty. In Chinese feudal society, there are emperors who rise from the bottom and leave a glorious mark in history, such as Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang. However, few prime ministers make their ways to the top with a humble background. Zhang Juzheng, a legendary figure during the reign of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, is one of the prime ministers from a humble family. By making through imperial examinations at all levels, Zhang Junzheng earns his spot in imperial court and eventually becomes a prime minister. During his time as a prime minister, he helps the 10 year-old emperor carry out crucial reforms in many aspects, which save the Ming Dynasty from demise. After devoting his whole life to the Ming Dynasty, Zhang dies of illness on June 20th, the 16th year of Wanli. However, what Zhang Juzheng will never know is that the reward for his lifetime dedication is a catastrophe on his family. Due to his wrong judgment of people, his family suffers attacks and revenge after his death. Some of his families die from starvation; some are exiled; some become fugitives. Yet no one in imperial court dares to speak for his family. Not until the 2nd year in the reign of Tianqi (1622), the great prime minister who makes significant contribution to the Ming Dynasty was recalled. Emperor Tianqi realizes that the declining the Ming Dynasty is in need of a strong prime minister like Zhang Juzheng. However, everything is too late. The Ming Dynasty's demise has been written.






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