Across the Rio Grande(1916)

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分类:短片 西部  地区:美国  年份:1916 


导演:乔治·马歇尔 / 





乐比TV为您提供1916年由未知主演,乔治·马歇尔导演的《Across the Rio Grande》/原名《》短片 西部 电影在线观看完整版,《Across the Rio Grande》百度云网盘资源以及《Across the Rio Grande》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Across the Rio Grande》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:When Dixon Lee graduated from college, instead of following his chosen profession of civil engineer he started in to dissipate. The father of Teddy Ransom, the sweetheart of Dix, is superintendent of construction for one of the western railroads which is extending its lines into Mexico. They had experienced a great deal of trouble and Ransom had just received a report from the auditor of the road complaining of the excessive expenditure of money with such little results to show. While Ransom is trying to find the solution of these problems Dix comes in to ask for his daughter's hand. Ransom informs him that he will never consent to their engagement until Dix can show that he is able to take care of the girl. Ransom gives Dix a position with the construction gang in Mexico. Arrived in the foreign land, he notices one of the peons, a Yaqui Indian, being severely beaten by the foreman and he takes a hand, with the result that the Indian is filled with gratitude towards him. Dixon meets the foreman and presents his letter. Dix is given work. Josee Morilla, the governor of the province in which they are working, and Jake Sheehan, the foreman of the construction gang, are very chummy. Jose finds it easy to get Jake to pay him quite a sum of money for promised security, and the two are worried over Dixon's arrival, thinking that he will probably break up their system of graft. Nina, a girl of the dance halls, influenced by the money of Jose and Jake, uses her charms upon Dix, and finds him easily influenced. Dixon returns to his old habits of drinking and carousing and Jose and his confederate become careless. Although Dixon is drunk a great part of the time, he picks up many little items of information about the way the money changes hands. Jake sends in an unfavorable reports against Dixon and Ransom discharges him. Pretending to go to a house party one night, Teddy starts for Mexico. Jose decides to put Dix out of the way, and accordingly has him arrested. Teddy's father, meanwhile, has learned of her destination and arrives on the Mexican border. The Mexican border is being patrolled by U.S. troops, who have orders to allow no one to enter Mexico because of the unsettled conditions and Ransom's ragings are fruitless. Meanwhile Teddy, having learned that there is no chance to save Dix's life, plans with the Indian whom her sweetheart befriended to have him and his tribe break into jail and release Dix. They succeed in freeing him, and also assist in aiding the fugitive to get to the engine which Teddy is holding ready for him. The Mexicans are equal to this and telegraph ahead to have the train stopped. They escape and secret themselves in a Mexican house. Upon learning that their ammunition is running low the Indian offers to go for aid and sets out for the Mexican border. He makes the trip successfully and is picked up by a detail of Texas Rangers. He gasps out his story and they take him to the commander's tent. Ransom sees the army officer refuse to assist, claiming that he has no power to go into Mexico. The captain of the Rangers declares that he is not under the U.S. ruling and army or no army, he will bring them out. Meanwhile Teddy and Dix are nearly out of ammunition and Dix saves the last shot to kill Teddy with in case assistance does not arrive. He is on the verge of using, it when they hear a shout and see that the Mexicans are being dispersed. The two are rescued and safely brought across the border. When Ransom sees the devotion of Teddy for Dix and learns that the boy is wakening up his real manhood he agrees to their engagement.




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