微热사랑할 때 이야기하는 것들(2006)

6.0 还行

原名:사랑할 때 이야기하는 것들又名:相爱时说的话 / 相爱时我们说的话 / Solace

分类:爱情  地区:韩国  年份:2006 

主演:韩石圭 郑仁基 金智秀 李汉伟 金圣女 

导演:卞承旭 / 





乐比TV为您提供2006年由韩石圭,郑仁基,金智秀,李汉伟,金圣女主演,卞承旭导演的《微热》/原名《사랑할 때 이야기하는 것들》/又名《相爱时说的话 / 相爱时我们说的话 / Solace》爱情 电影在线观看完整版,《微热》百度云网盘资源以及《微热》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《微热》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

药剂师仁丘(韩石圭 饰)有一份优厚的职业,是个名副其实的好男人。但因为有个精神迟钝的哥哥的原因,他的婚姻大事也被延后了。这时候设计师慧兰(金智秀 饰)搬到了仁丘

Plot Summary:In-ku (HAN Seok-kyu) is a neighborhood pharmacist with a good job and great personality. But for In-ku, marriage is nothing short of an unattainable dream, as long as his mentally handicapped brother In-seob (LEE Han-ewi) remains his responsibility. Hye-ran (KIM Ji-soo) moves into In-ku's neighborhood. She is a designer who copies the fashion lines of luxury design houses. Hye-ran is pretty and sophisticated, but for the past 5 years, she has been working to pay back the US$ 500,000 debt that her father racked up before his death. Depressed over the news of his ex-girlfriend's plans for a wedding, In-ku sits down to a couple of beers. Just then, Hye-ran walks into his drugstore, asking for a sleeping pill to help her go to sleep. Instead of the pill, In-ku hands over a can of beer. The mood turns friendly over the cans of beer, and slowly, the two begin to develop feelings for each other. And they find themselves going down the road neither of them thought they will ever be on again - the path to a relationship. They go to the movies together, they take trips together, and they learn to laugh again together. However, as their love grows, so do their burdens. When his mother's sudden death leaves In-ku alone to take care of his sick brother and when Hye-ran's pregnant sister threatens to get an abortion and call off the wedding, In-ku and Hye-ran are forced to give up the love they both worked so hard at.



日期 资源名称
2019-08-21 solace.2006.1080p.mkv
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Casino.Royale.and.Quantum.of.Solace.2006-2008.Blu-
2019-05-11 Casino.Royale.and.Quantum.of.Solace.2006-2008.Blu-
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Solace.2006.XviD.AC3.2AUDIO.3CD-WAF



  • 小南小南
    小南小南 • 我们相爱吧
    看完电影,看豆瓣影评只有11篇,剧照一张都没有,还真是很少人知道的一部片子。 我是在搜《我们相爱吧》时,下面出来的相关电影《相爱时说的话》,觉得名字还蛮好的,就看了。 相爱时会说什么呢?甜言蜜语吗...
  • 豆爸的菜园
    豆爸的菜园 • 微热
    第二次看韩国电影《微热》,或者叫《相爱时说的话》。 对于喜欢的东西,我总是会一遍一遍的重复。比如休.格兰特的《ABOUT A BOY》,应该已经看过超过10遍了吧。不是说温故知新,这些并不是多...
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    阡陌。 • 锻炼身体和灵魂
  • 英恩
    英恩 • 生活沉重,却始终阳光明媚
    看《微热》,只是因为对名字好奇。金智秀的代表作之一。 同样是平凡的现实的故事。有种隐忍的崩溃。 任丘说,生活对我们来说都太艰难了。 可是前面两人纵使承受了再多的不幸,也没有赚取到我一滴眼泪。就算...
  • 叶会美
    叶会美 • 隐忍
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