#Vimeo “[..]beacause I think there will always be a steady stream of kids who want to be famous, of parents who push the children in this industry. If we don’t speak out about it, then we’re part of the problem. Because we are contributing to a culture that normalize this. And by normalizing something, it becomes invisible as a problem.”
#Vimeo “[..]beacause I think there will always be a steady stream of kids who want to be famous, of parents who push the children in this industry. If we don’t speak out about it, then we’re part of the problem. Because we are contributing to a culture that normalize this. And by normalizing something, it becomes invisible as a problem.”
神奇的是,好莱坞就像当作什么事情都没发生过一样。Bryan Singer 仍然在拍大片,Brock Pierce 还在加密货币圈风生水起,我也依然在看有美少男的片子……fyi: Bryan's endless supply of twinks http://archive.is/Mc0MA
2014.11.14 DOC NYC公映。讲述电影业肮脏的一面,但在过度商业化的时代并不让人感到意外。难得的是主角的上诉能推动立法。