Electric Pile(1906)

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分类:短片  地区:意大利  年份:1906 


导演:Gaston Velle / 





乐比TV为您提供1906年由未知主演,Gaston Velle导演的《Electric Pile》/原名《》短片 电影在线观看完整版,《Electric Pile》百度云网盘资源以及《Electric Pile》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Electric Pile》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The exterior of a grocery store is exhibited with its usual concomitant supply of various goods. An elderly woman appears on the scene, furtively looks round, and finding the coast clear, beckons to her son, and they together steal a potion of the supplies on hand and retire. Mr. Storekeeper appearing, discovers his loss, and, thinking to prevent such depredations in future, goes into the store and returns with a strong battery of Bunsen cells and wire, which he attaches to the various goods, and makes a connection for a good shocking coil. Our two hungry pedestrians have hied themselves to a snug place in a woodland retreat, where they proceed to enjoy a good meal from the delicacies which they have stolen. After a while, feeling the necessity of something to drink, they both with one intent start back to the store, from which they were so successful on their first venture. The old lady takes hold of a bottle of wine which is standing displayed on the board, her son taking another from the other side. The electric circuit now being complete, they are both shocked by the electricity, and their cries summon pedestrians passing along the street to their aid. Each one in their endeavors to take the couple from the bottle receives the shocks, and is also held in electric contact. Their grimaces and cries bring others upon the scene, who try to pull them away and are in like manner shocked and held prisoners. The cries of such a goodly crowd all held in the throes of the coil bring the storekeeper to the door, and he, overjoyed at his scheme, relieves himself with hearty laughter at the grimaces and gesticulations of the prisoners caught through his ingenuity. One of the prisoners breaks the connection and releases his companions from the circuit. They then turn upon the storekeeper and the gendarmes take him into custody as a disturber of the peace, to the great joy of our hungry couple, who take what they need from the goods displayed and go off to enjoy the same at their leisure.




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